Programatically Creating Ubuntu Images with systemd's mkosi

mkosi is a great tool to programmatically create reproducible images of operating systems. This has a lot of applications in IoT, security, automated testing, managing servers etc. I like it a lot.

mkosi can make images of Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, and OpenSuse. There are some differences between those distributions, though, and probably because of that some things are supposed to work… don’t, for some distros.

This post is about the quirks of making Ubuntu images with mkosi. In some cases, the documentation for how to make mkosi do something for an Ubuntu images is just plain wrong (though presumably it works for other distros). In other cases, I had a hard time finding information. Hopefully this post helps you to get mkosi working for Ubuntu images in less time than it took me.

mkosi - A Very Brief Introduction

Probably the best introduction to mkosi is this blog post from Lennart Poettering, who created systemd and mkosi. If you haven’t read it yet, please do so now; I won’t repeat most of it here, and this blog post only touches on a subset of everything mkosi can do.

From there is this great description of mkosi:

mkosi is definitely a tool with a focus on developer’s needs for building OS images, for testing and debugging, but also for generating production images with cryptographic protection… mkosi will put together the image with development headers and tools, compile your code in it, run your test suite, then throw away the image again, and build a new one, this time without development headers and tools, and install your build artifacts in it. This final image is then “production-ready”, and only contains your built program and the minimal set of packages you configured otherwise.


It should also be noted that for making Ubuntu images, mkosi uses debootstrap under the hood.

Quickstart Github Repo

I made a companion Github repository for this post in the interest of making this all easy to try out. I suggest that you clone the repository now.

We’ll be using the following files/directories:

  • mkosi.default: The main configuration file where you configure what kind of image you want, which distribution, which packages and so on.
  • mkosi.postinst: This executable script is invoked inside the image adjust the image as it likes at a very late point in the image preparation. If exists, i.e. the dual-phased development build process used, then this script will be invoked twice: once inside the build image and once inside the final image. The first parameter passed to the script clarifies which phase it is run in. The script runs in the image as the root user.
  • mkosi.extra: If this directory exists, then mkosi will copy everything inside it into the images built. You can place arbitrary directory hierarchies in here, and they’ll be copied over whatever is already in the image, after it was put together by the distribution’s package manager. This is the best way to drop additional static files into the image, or override distribution-supplied ones.

To install mkosi, run sudo apt install mkosi.

You can then create the image by running sudo mkosi - it should just work.

From here on, I’ll focus just on the quirks of using mkosi to make specifically Ubuntu images.

Installing The Latest Package Versions

Let’s say we want an Ubuntu 20.04 aka “focal” image. To do that, we’d specify the following in mkosi.default:

# 20.04 = focal

This would install the package versions that focal was released with. In most cases, this is NOT what you want: you generally want the latest stable versions of the packages for that distribution. This would ensure that you get any security updates, for example.

To do that, first tell mkosi to give its scripts access to the network by setting this in mkosi.default:

# let mkosi.postinst access the internet
# (needed because we are updating and installing packages there)

Then install updates from mkosi.postinst:

# don't ask me any questions, apt
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# add package repository for updates to sources list
add-apt-repository "deb focal-updates main universe"

# update package lists
apt-get -y update

# install updates
apt-get -y upgrade

After this, your image will have the latest stable versions of whatever packages you set to be installed in mkosi.default.

There is a caveat here: by doing this, your images will not be strictly the same every time you run the script - the final state will depend on what package versions were released at the time you ran the script. Most of the time this is what you want.

Adding Package Repositories

If you want to install packages that are not in the default Ubuntu package repositories, unfortunately the Repositories= flag will NOT work as specified in the documentation. The flag expects a URL… and Ubuntu packages don’t quite work that way.

The easiest way I’ve found to accomplish this is to again use mkosi.postinst.

For example, here’s how to install Docker, using the official instructions:

# get the docker GPG key
curl -fsSL | apt-key add -

# add the docker package repository
add-apt-repository \
  "deb [arch=amd64] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) \

# update package lists and install docker
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Docker Caveats

Thanks to reader MarekLi for contributing to this section!

Docker is great, but getting it to work nicely with mkosi can be tricky. In particular, to use it in mkosi.postinst, you have to manually start the containerd and dockerd deamons like so:

echo -e "\n\nStarting containerd and dockerd...\n"

# Start containerd
/usr/bin/containerd &
sleep 2

# Start dockerd
/usr/bin/dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock --iptables=false --bridge=none &
sleep 2

# Interact with the docker daemon as needed
# docker load -i $tarfile etc

# Kill dockerd and containerd
echo -e "\n\nStoping dockerd and containerd...\n"
sleep 2

As an alternative, you could use a script (that runs on the machine from which you invoke mkosi) that downloads the needed containers as tarballs and saves them in a folder under mkosi.extra, so that they get included in the final image.

The commands to do that are

docker pull IMAGE:TAG
docker save -o mkosi.extra/IMAGE.tar IMAGE:TAG

Then, when the image actually boots for the first time, you can load the images from the tarballs like so:

docker load -i IMAGE.tar

One advantage of doing it this way, rather than just having the image pull the containers directly from the internet, is that this process works even if the machine running the image is not connected to the internet, which may indeed be the case for certain IoT applications.

Final Notes

This post only touches on a subset of what mkosi can do, and specifically focuses on things where using mkosi for Ubuntu images is tricky. Lennart Poettering’s blog post remains the best introduction to mkosi, as far as I can tell.

I hope this post helps you programmatically make reproducible Ubuntu system images.

Happy hacking!

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About Krystof Litomisky

Krystof is an engineer, adventurer, and all-around good guy based in Los Angeles, California.

Los Angeles, California
