Best of The Klog
This page has links to some of the best posts published on The Klog that are intended for a general audience.
Trapped! tells the story of how I found myself in real-life escape room, and how I got out.
I love being in the wilderness, and one of my favorite ways to get out there is whitewater rafting. Two of my favorite expeditions were down the Tatshenshini River in Alaska and down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. On the Tatshenshini we didn’t encounter another human being for the entire trip!
You might enjoy this statistical, philosophical, and personal piece on the zen of motorcycles, and the thin line between life and death that one can find on them.
On software:
- Understanding American Sign Language (ASL) from videos using AI / machine learning
- Contact Managers Suck: The Micelf Whitepaper
- my mediocre experience with the California DMV, and how it could straightforwardly be done much better using existing technology
Then there are travel posts from around the world, most of which have photos and videos in addition to narratives: Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Peru including the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, Laos, The Philippines, Singapore, Australia, central & southern Europe, Puerto Rico.
The complete archives are here.